Thursday, May 17, 2012

Home, Sweet Home Quest helped me

For last 3 months we are struggling with too much noise due to the construction work on our apartment's roof. During this period we faced with several problems such as roof leaking twice, too much dust, and too much noise of drilling so forth. My room's roof was broken down was the biggest problem. It happened about 3 weeks ago. Some workers were drilling and heavily hammering on our roof. At that time I was reading some articles on my laptop to prepare for the test on my Tuesday class. Fortunately, right after I had just walked into kitchen area for drinking something, the roof was broken down into the exact area where I was sitting. I f I were sitting there, every parts of broken roof would fall on my head. I might have been hurt that day. I started loosing my patient and though it was time to write a letter to landlord. It was the first time for me to write it so I quickly checked the Howe, Sweet Home Quest to find out a sample letter to model it. It helped me a lot. We are creating very useful Web Quests for ESL/EFL learners by having class 565.


  1. It's lucky you didn't get hurt from the broken roof. There were wasps in my room, I asked for help from landlord. It took them a week to come. It was a torture for the whole week. They still couldn't find out where the nest is. Fortunately, they don't show up in my room anymore.

  2. I'm also glad that you were not hurt, but since you've been going through this hell for over 3 month, there ought to be something you can say or do. For example, how about asking your landlord to reduce your rent for duration of remodeling? Maybe "Home, Sweet Home" webquest has some links on that topic as well. I love what the quality and content of this webquest. They really set up the bar high, and it's become a reference point for so many of us.
